Cara Charles-Barks, Chief Executive
Cara qualified as a Registered Nurse in 1990 in Australia. She has 30 years’ experience in the public and private health care sector and has been named as one of the NHS's top 50 Chief Executives five times.
Cara has been the Chief Executive Officer of the RUH since September 2020. Before that, she was CEO at Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, during which time she received an MBE as part of the Queen’s Birthday Honours for her leadership during the Novichok incident.
In June 2019, she was appointed Honorary Colonel of 243 Multi-role Medical Regiment, part of the Army Medical Services.
Jon Westbrook, Interim Managing Director
Jon joined the Trust as Medical Director in September 2021 and was Acting Chief Executive Officer from January to October 2024. From 1 November 2024 he moved in to the role of interim Managing Director, where he provides day-to-day leadership of the Trust working with other executive directors.
Jon’s consultant medical career was at Oxford University Hospitals, where he was a specialist in Neuro-anaesthesia and Neuro-intensive care for over 25 years.
He was also one of the Oxford Divisional Directors for eight years leading many services including core and specialist clinical teams. Jon's focus is on the delivery of high quality and safe patient care both in the Trust and across the wider health system.
Jon Burwell, Interim Chief Digital Officer
Jon was appointed as Acting Chief Digital Officer in December 2023, from his previous role of Chief Information Officer across Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust.
Jon has previous experience in digital, performance, and strategy across a range of NHS organisations.
He is responsible for the digital portfolio, including digital strategy, IT, applications, business intelligence, clincial coding and information governance.
Luisa Goddard, Chief Nurse
Luisa was appointed Chief Nurse in December 2024 after being Deputy Chief Nurse at the Trust for over three years. Having trained at Guy’s Hospital, Luisa brings senior nursing experience from Oxford University Hospitals NHS FT and North Bristol NHS Trust.
Luisa's focus is on delivering high quality safe care, encompassing quality, risk, safeguarding and infection prevention and control.
As professional lead for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals, Luisa ensures the Trust has a dynamic, forward-thinking workforce that can deliver great care.
Benny Goodman, Chief Operating Officer
Benny was appointed Chief Operating Officer in November 2024 having worked in operational roles at both the Royal Berkshire NHS FT and Oxford University Hospitals NHS FT.
He joined the NHS in 2018, having first trained as an accountant in a professional services firm, then helping to start, and rapidly grow, a social enterprise, during which he developed his understanding of leadership-based clear vision and strong values born out through day-to-day interactions.
Benny is passionate about supporting all staff to do the best job they can and to be equipped to innovate effectively so that our patients benefit from the highest quality care we can deliver.
Jude Gray, Chief People Officer
Jude was appointed as the Trust's Chief People Officer in July 2019.
In this role she is responsible for all aspects of workforce planning, sustainability and health and wellbeing.
She oversees the recruitment of staff and managing strategic staffing planning and will serve as a link between the Trust and its employees. Jude previously worked for the BBC and Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service.
Dr Steve Haig, Acting Chief Medical Officer
Stephen joined the trust as a Consultant Emergency Physician in 2011, and was appointed as Acting Chief Medical Officer in January 2024.
He has had a variety of leadership roles including clinical lead of the Emergency Department, Associate Medical Director for the Unscheduled Care division, and Deputy Chief Medical Officer.
He believes in high quality, safe, patient centred services that are driven by the principles of the NHS.
Claire Thompson, Chief Officer, Improvement & Partnerships
Claire joined the Trust in April 2021 with extensive NHS experience as a Divisional Director, Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Director of Commissioning including leading on patient flow and working with partners on system-wide performance. Claire also led the system Covid-19 vaccination programme in Bristol.
Claire leads our Trust improvement approach – Improving Together – and is key to building productive relationships with our partners.
Simon Wade, Chief Financial Officer
Simon was appointed as the Trust's Chief Financial Officer in November 2020.
He joined the Trust from Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust, where he was Deputy Director of Finance.
Simon is responsible for developing a strategy that ensures that the Trust's financial resources are used in the most efficient and effective way, to ensure a high quality patient service.
He is also responsible for our capital investment programme and for ensuring that the estate is fit for purpose and meets the needs of the Trust's strategy.