A global supply issue is affecting the availability of the blood tubes used for blood tests and this is now having an impact on the number of tests that are being carried out.
The shortage means that just like other surgeries and healthcare settings across the region, our GP surgeries in Moredon and Abbey Meads are having to restrict the number of blood tests they can carry out and reduce non-clinically urgent testing.
However, we want to reassure patients that blood tests will only be deferred where it is clinically safe to do so.
Anyone who needs a test for urgent health problems will still get one but, where your clinician recommends that it's safe to do so, you may be asked to come back for a test at a later date, or your appointment may be rescheduled.
Given the nature of the shortage, we cannot give an exact date for when tests will be rescheduled, but please be assured that if your condition or symptoms require it, then you will get a test, and we will be re-booking your test when supplies become more easily available.
If your condition or symptoms change or get worse, please contact your GP or NHS 111 as you normally would.
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