The government has recently announced that lockdown restrictions will ease from Monday 19 July.
Whilst this is a positive step forward for many of us who have been living with the restrictions for some time, here at Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, we know that the health and wellbeing of all our patients, their families and our staff remains a priority.
That is why we have made the decision to uphold all coronavirus safety guidance for the foreseeable future, across the hospital and in our four GP practices.
All staff, patients and visitors must continue to wear a face mask when on site at the hospital, in our COVID-19 vaccination clinic or at any of our GP practices (Moredon, Abbey Meads, Penhill or Crossroads).
Face masks not only protect yourself, but they protect others around you as well.
If you arrive to the hospital wearing a fabric face covering, a member of staff or volunteer can provide you with a surgical mask.
Those medically exempt or under the age of 14 do not need to wear a face mask.
We are continuing to enforce 2m social distancing in all areas.
This includes one way entrances - the public entrances are the main Atrium or Brunel Treatment Centre - and ask that people keep to the left when walking the corridors or using the stairs.
Hand washing remains the single most effective thing we can do to slow the spread of infection.
We encourage everybody to wash their hands regularly and use the hand gel provided when entering and exiting ward or department areas.
Current visiting restrictions remain in place.
Patients are allowed to have one visitor a day, but there are no limitations on how long the visitor can stay.
All visitors must contact the ward beforehand to book a visit in advance.
For more information on visiting restrictions, visit: /patients-and-visitors/coronavirus-(covid-19)/visitor-guidance/.
Some wards have been partially converted to dedicated COVID-19 areas.
These areas are segregated with closed doors and clear signage to separate covid and non-covid patients.
All infection control measures have been taken to protect patients, staff and visitors.
Visitors must continue to wash their hands and wear surgical face coverings.
If you are visiting a COVID-19 positive patient, the staff will advise you on the need for any additional PPE.
We can reassure you that the risk is incredibly low and the coronavirus safety measures in place are very strict. If you have any questions or concerns about visiting, please speak with the Nurse in Charge.
If you have a disability, sensory loss, impairment, or if English is not your first language, we can help you access information about our services.
It's important for us to know when we've provided a good service or if something needs to improve.
If you notice something wrong with this web page, please contact us at and we'll put it right.