There is currently work underway at the Great Western Hospital site to demolish the current Clover unit and build a new, temporary Urgent Treatment Centre.
This means that the current services provided from the Clover unit need to be relocated during the construction work.
From Monday 22 March, Boots Pharmacy will be running services from a modular facility located in the west car park.
This service will include prescription collection for outpatients and the shop which sells items such as toiletries, food and drink.
Patients or relatives arriving to the hospital to collect outpatient prescriptions will need to park in the north or west car park to access the Boots facility.
Boots will be closed completely during the weekend of 20 - 21 March, whilst it moves from Clover to the decant facility. If you need to collect an urgent prescription during this weekend, please go to Boots current location at the Clover building where you will be given the relevant information on how to collect your prescription.
We ask that this is only for emergencies, and that you wait until Monday 22 to collect a prescription if possible.
Thank you for your cooperation.
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