Our hospital remains busy and we need your help to protect our urgent and emergency care services for those most in need.
Most minor injuries and illnesses can often be treated more quickly outside of our Emergency Department and Urgent Treatment Centre, or with the right self-care.
Before attending the Urgent Treatment Centre or Emergency Department, please use the NHS 111 online service to help you find the right place for your healthcare needs.
If you are very concerned about your condition and you are unsure what to do during this time, you can also call 111.
If the right service for you is our Urgent Treatment Centre, NHS 111 can arrange a time for you to arrive at the UTC and you can wait at home until then.
If you need ongoing advice or treatment after attending our Emergency Department or Urgent Treatment Centre, please speak to your GP or Pharmacist.
Please call 999 or attend the Emergency Department if you have a very serious or life-threatening condition. We will continue to treat all patients needing emergency care in our Emergency Department.
We see patients in order of clinical need so if you are waiting a long time to be seen, this means that there are others with more critical conditions.
Please remember that we are here to help you.
Our staff are doing their very best to care for every patient and we will not tolerate any verbal or physical abuse against our staff.
Thank you for your continued support.
If you have a disability, sensory loss, impairment, or if English is not your first language, we can help you access information about our services.
It's important for us to know when we've provided a good service or if something needs to improve.
If you notice something wrong with this web page, please contact us at gwh.webmaster@nhs.net and we'll put it right.