Our emergency, urgent care and maternity services remain open as normal, among other essential services.
Patients should attend appointments as planned, unless contacted directly by the Trust.
Despite starting planning for industrial action some weeks ago, we expect to be extremely busy, with some patients experiencing long waits while we prioritise those with the most life-threatening conditions.
If you are not sure what to do, please call NHS 111 or visit 111.nhs.uk
Local people can help by collecting loved ones as soon as they are well enough to leave hospital. Delays in patients leaving hospital cause delays in moving our sickest patients to a bed.
If you have a disability, sensory loss, impairment, or if English is not your first language, we can help you access information about our services.
It's important for us to know when we've provided a good service or if something needs to improve.
If you notice something wrong with this web page, please contact us at gwh.webmaster@nhs.net and we'll put it right.