Whilst most people find the summer sun enjoyable, please be mindful of the potential impacts the heat can have on a person.
We also want to encourage local people to be mindful that heat-related conditions can add additional pressures to an already very busy healthcare service, and we would encourage you to call NHS 111 in the first instance if you are feeling unwell due to the heat.
NHS 111 are trained operators who can direct you to the most appropriate healthcare setting for your needs, which could be your GP or a pharmacist. Please only come to hospital if you need urgent or emergency care.
Whether you’re out spending time with family and friends, at work or staying home, here are some things you can do to try and stay cool:
If you notice someone with signs of a heat related illness, you should:
If they start to recover but you are still worried about them, contact NHS 111 for further advice.
If the person is not responding to the cooling treatments after 30 minutes or has heatstroke symptoms such as a loss of consciousness, confusion, or seizures, call 999 immediately.
If you have a disability, sensory loss, impairment, or if English is not your first language, we can help you access information about our services.
It's important for us to know when we've provided a good service or if something needs to improve.
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