We are a hospital-based service supporting patients who have a cancer of the Gastrointestinal Tract. We provide patients with the following support: 

  • a link between home and hospital
  • advice and support for you, your relatives, carers and friends
  • diagnosis information and treatment plan as decided by the Multidisciplinary Team
  • investigation information and treatment such as biopsies, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy
  • information on controlling symptoms such as pain, fatigue, nausea, and weight loss
  • signposting and referrals

Clinical Nurse Specialists

Telephone: 01793 604338 / 01793 604483 (Voicemail service only)
Email: gwh.gionccnsteam@nhs.net

This service is covered Monday to Friday 8:30am until 4:30pm (excluding Bank Holidays or weekends).

Further information


Local Support Groups