We provide support for patients with suspected lung cancer, or a lung cancer diagnosis.
Diagnosing lung cancer
Most patients are referred by their GP to the lung cancer service for further investigation. This may include:
- CT scan - a scan of the chest using x-rays
- PET scan - similar to a CT scan, the patient will be injected with a special glucose, to provide more information about the activity of tissues within the body
- Biopsy - a procedure to obtain a sample of tissue to be further examined
- Bronchoscopy / Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) - an examination of the inside of the lungs using a telescope
- CT or ultrasound-guided biopsy - a tissue sample is taken from an abnormality in the chest, neck, or elsewhere in the body
- Pleural aspiration - sometimes fluid can collect within the chest cavity and this can be drained or sampled with a needle and syringe.
Further information about the above procedures can be found on the NHS website.
Generally, a CT scan can be arranged before your first clinic appointment.
At your first clinic appointment, the doctor will explain the results of your x-rays/CT scans, and discuss further investigations that may you may need.
Once all necessary investigations have concluded, you will return to the clinic to discuss the results.
Clinical Specialist Nurses
Email: gwh.lungcnsteamsm@nhs.net
Telephone: 01793 604740
Further information
Your lung cancer nurse will support you throughout your diagnosis and treatment.
More information about the investigation, diagnosis, and treatment of lung cancer can be found at: