The ICD support group assists patients and their families with implantable defibrillators (ICD).

Coming to terms with a heart condition requiring implantation of a defibrillator involves a period of adjustment for the individual and family.

Our ICD support group was formed to provide help and support for our patients with the following aims. The support group aims are:

  • To provide a place for all ICD patients, carers, families and friends to discuss their concerns and problems and share experiences
  • To guide patients towards a support network that will enable them to access information and advice
  • To provide literature and information on all topics which are relevant to ICD patients.


Appointments: 01793 604250

Devices: 01793 604257

As we are a busy clinic, the phone may divert to our answering machine, so please leave:

  • Your name
  • Hospital number
  • Contact number
  • Query summary