For direct bookings and enquiries about admissions please phone:

Type of admission Phone number
Breast surgery 01793 646170
Cardiology 01793 646180
Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) 01793 646183
General surgery 01793 646172
Gynaecology 01793 646171
Ophthalmology 01793 646174
Oral Maxillo-Facial (general anaesthetic cases only) 01793 646412
Orthopaedics (hand and knee procedures)  01793 604897
Orthopaedics (hip and upper limb procedures) 01793 604679
Orthopaedics (spinal, podiatry, foot and ankle procedures)  01793 605889
Urodynamics, Lithotripsy, Flexible and Cystoscopy 01793 646413
Urology 01793 646176