The Pain Management Service is provided on the wards by a team of nurses specialising in pain management.

We visit the wards every day to see all patients having specialised pain treatments and we see patients with specific pain problems referred by the ward staff.

We are Anaesthetists who look after patients having operations and run the Outpatient service for the management of chronic pain problems. 

Nurses on the wards are trained to care for patients having these kinds of pain relief.

Pain after surgery

Your Anaesthetist will talk about a pain management plan when they discuss the anaesthetic for your operation. For minor surgery and for day surgery procedures you should only need simple painkilling drugs.

For some surgery, local anaesthetic can be used to help with the pain afterwards. This can be done in different ways. 

It might be injected by the surgeon during the operation. The Anaesthetist may use local anaesthetic to numb a specific nerve. This is usually done before surgery starts.

For major surgery, special techniques may be used, including Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) or an epidural.


Please contact the Pain Team through:

Pain Clinic secretary
Tel: 01793 604335