
Telephone referrals are not accepted - please complete our self-referral form and a midwife will be in contact to arrange an appointment.

If you have any issues with the Badger Notes self-referral form, please visit their Frequently Asked Questions.

For further support, contact the Antenatal Booking team, Monday-Friday, 10am-2pm - 01793 607312.

Community midwives

Area Telephone Address Opening times
West Swindon Health Centre 07776482932 West Swindon Health Centre
Link Avenue
Monday to Friday
8.30am - 4.30pm 
Swindon Health Centre 01793 607895 Swindon NHS Health Centre
Islington Street
Monday to Friday
8.30am - 4.30pm 
The Meadow 07762 724148 The Meadow
Leigh Road
Monday to Friday
8.30am - 4.30pm 
Savernake Hospital  01672 517305 Savernake Community Hospital
London Road
Monday to Friday
8.30am - 4.30pm 

During weekends and bank holidays, please call 01793 604020 and ask for bleep #1583, or ask for the 'Community Bleep Holder'.

For Home Births we have midwives on-call 24-hours. Please contact the Delivery Suite using the contact details below and arrangements will be made for your care. For information on Home Birth please click here

Antenatal appointments

Tel: 01793 604820

Day Assessment Unit (DAU)

For unexpected pregnancy concerns, please call 01793 604826 and your call will be forwarded to the appropriate area.

Location: Second Floor, Great Western Hospital
Tel:  01793 604826

Delivery Suite

For unexpected pregnancy concerns, signs of labour, or if you are worried about yourself or your baby after birth, please call 01793 604575 and your call will be forwarded to the appropriate area.

Location: Second floor, Great Western Hospital
Tel: 01793 604575

Hazel Ward

Location: Second floor, Great Western Hospital
Tel: 01793 604833

Ultrasound scans 

Tel: 01793 604822

White Horse Birth Centre

Location: Hazel Ward, Second Floor, Great Western Hospital
Tel: 01793 604042