We are always looking at how we can improve the services we offer and the care we provide.
If you have a question, concern or would like us to explain anything anything, please do not hesitate to speak to any member of staff or your midwife.
If you have a suggestion on how we can do things better or would like to make a complaint, please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).
Email: gwh.pals@nhs.net
Telephone: 01793 604031
Friends and Family Test
Throughout your pregnancy and after birth you will be asked to complete a Friends and Family feedback form at the following stages:
- At around 36 weeks, for the antenatal care you have received with your community midwife and any clinics you may have attended.
- Following the birth of your baby, for the care that you have received in the Delivery Suite, White Horse Birth Centre or at your home birth.
- Before you go home, for the care you have received after birth.
- Before your care is transferred to a health visitor, for the care your community midwife has provided.
All feedback is completely confidential.
You can either post your feedback form in one of the boxes (please ask a member of staff where these are located), hand your feedback form to a member of staff, or complete an online form:
- Antenatal Services
- Delivery wards
- Postnatal in the Community
- Postnatal at the Great Western Hospital
The form takes less than five minutes to complete and will ask you to rate different parts of your care and share any comments.
Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership
The Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership is an NHS working group made up of parents and their families, midwives, doctors and commissioners working together to review and contribute to the development of local maternity, neonatal and health visiting care.
They collect feedback from parents and their families across the Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire area about the care that they receive or have received during pregnancy, labour, birth (including caesarean), in the neonatal units and in the first couple of weeks after their baby is born including health visiting and the GP postnatal checks.
They share this anonymously with NHS trusts and Health Visiting services, to see where improvements can be made.
You can send feedback via their online surveys, phone or they can meet with you in person.