Clinical research studies
We offer patients the chance to be involved in Clinical Research Studies with the goal of improving patient care.
We have two research midwives funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research | NIHR.
We may approach you by letter, email, text or in person if you are eligible to participate in any of our current research.
You will be given lots of information about the research and time to consider the options and to ask any questions, before you decide if you would like to be involved.
Participation in research is voluntary and you do not have to take part.
Please inform your community midwife if you do not wish to be contacted.
01793 607424 (Opening hours: 8.30am-4.30pm, Monday-Friday)
Future developments
In association with the Trust's charity, Brighter Futures, we are working to further improve outcomes of maternity services in line with NHS England's 'Better Births' project - please see: