We can offer support to help you quit smoking during your pregnancy and after birth.
Stopping smoking will make a big difference to your health and the health of your growing baby.
Our Specialist Stop Smoking Midwife can work with you to develop a personal plan for you.
Reasons to quit smoking in pregnancy
- Reduced risk of stillbirth or premature birth
- Increased chance of a healthy weight at birth
- Reduced risk of cot death
- Lower risk of health problems for parent and baby, such as asthma and lung infections
- Reduced chance of child becoming a smoker which increase life longevity
- Reduced stress levels for parent and baby.
For more information visit Stop smoking in pregnancy - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Specialist Stop Smoking Midwife
Tel: 07585 402192
Email: gwh.stopsmokingmidwife@nhs.net