Orthoptics and optometry (opticians) are branches of ophthalmology (eye team).


Orthoptists investigate, diagnose and treat vision problems and eye movement disorders such as:

  • Lazy eye (amblyopia)
  • Squint
  • Defective binocular vision
  • Double vision (diplopia)

The majority of our work is with children under eight, as this is when the visual system is developing and will respond more readily to treatment. 

After this age adults can develop ocular motility problems. This can be longstanding but only becoming troublesome at a later date.

Ocular motility problems can also be associated with diseases such as:

  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Auto immune processes
  • When an injury occurs

We have a dedicated stroke clinic where we can assess visual fields.

We provide a Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) clinic where we look for eye signs that may be associated with reading difficulties in conditions such as Dyslexia. This can include the use of colour, tracking and visual perception. The patient must be at least 7.5 years of age to be able to undertake these tests.


Optometrsits assess, examine and prescribe glasses, contact lenses and low vision aids for patients.

They also work with the consultants to provide Age Related Macula Degeneration (ARMD) Clinics, and Glaucoma clinics.


First Floor, Great Western Hospital


Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm


Appointments: 01793 604080

Enquiries: 01793 604702