Your orthoptist, optician or consultant will advise you for which visits they are necessary.
For certain visits we may give you the drops to put in your child just before you leave home and this means that the drops will be working well by the time of your appointment and reduces your waiting time.
The drops are usually used for visits to the consultant and optician, where examination of the inside of the eye and/or a glasses test is required.
If you are just seeing the orthoptist/optician, then your appointment will probably last between 20 to 40 minutes.
If you are having an examination with drops put in on the same day, then it may take up to 40 minutes for these to take effect, so please allow two hours for these visits.
You will be given a prescription/voucher to take to any optician and they will make the glasses up.
You will need to take your child to have them measured and the optician will fit the glasses once they are made.
Yes - please see:
- What to expect
- Squint Clinic
- NHS website: Lazy eye (amblyopia)
- Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) website: Resources for parents of blind or partially sighted children
- Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) website: Let's play! A guide with toy and play ideas for children with vision impairment