The Osprey Unit is an outpatient area that provides services for a number of specialties.

If you are referred to Osprey, you may well fall under one of the following services:

  • Oncology Outpatient service- provided by specialist consultants from Oxford University Hospitals.
  • Haematology Outpatient service- provided by specialist GWH consultants, linking closely with Oncology services.
  • Anticoagulation services- a team of nurses provide support for patients with a variety of blood clotting problems, and support both inpatient and outpatient services.
  • Rheumatology services- provided by three specialist consultants and a specialist nurse, and the Podiatry service.
  • Diabetes Care, Endocrinology and Weight Management Services- Provided by four specialist consultants and includes a support structure of Podiatry, diabetes specialist nurses, dieticians and Psychology support.

Haematology and Oncology services use our Day Therapy Centre and Coate Water Unit for patients requiring daily treatments.

The Day Therapy Centre provides a supportive, welcoming environment for patients requiring chemotherapy.

What to expect

A nurse may take some assessments prior to your consultation, including blood pressure, weight, and body mass index.

This will generally take place when you referred for your first consultation.

You may be given a procedure or longer-term medication within another area within Osprey, depending on your condition.

Some patients will also have appointments with our specialist nurses.


Tel: 01793 604050.