Outpatient Pain Management Services are provided by a team of doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and clinical psychologists.
You will need an assessment by and referral from your GP to access this service.
There is good evidence that a range of people with different skills is best for helping people with long term pain and most pain management clinics now use this team approach.
The doctors are all anaesthetists with a special interest in pain management. They have experience dealing with all sorts of pain.
The nurses are involved in running the Outpatient Pain Management Programme. They are the same specialist nurses that help with pain problems on the wards.
Our physiotherapists concentrate on helping people manage their activities better so they don't make the pain worse.
They may provide acupuncture or Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) for suitable patients and are also involved in the Outpatient Pain Management Programme.
Pain that does not get better can have a big impact on the way people feel.
Psychology can help to address thoughts and feelings so people can cope better with their pain.
Our Psychologists have a major role in the Pain Management Programme; they see patients individually.
If you feel you need to see a Pain Doctor, first make an appointment to see your GP for an assessment and possible initial treatment.
If your GP is not able to treat your pain, a referral will be made which the Pain Doctors will review.
You will be sent an outpatient appointment if the Pain Doctor considers our services may be able to help.
Demand for pain appointments is high, but we endeavour to see all patients in a timely and clinically appropriate manner.