Selling to Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust:

Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust and Royal United Hospitals (Bath) have a shared procurement department. 

The department advertises all its formal requirements through its e-tendering portal.

If you have an innovative product or service, or believe you can offer the Trust cost savings, please call the team on 01722 336262 ext 5755 or email

As part of our obligations to meet with transparency requirements, all Trust awarded contracts over the value of £25,000 will be made available on its e-tendering portal.

In addition, all awards made in excess of the EU Procurement Threshold are located on Tenders Electronic.

All suppliers of goods or services wishing to sell to Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust need to be through the procurement department.

As outlined in the Trust Standing Financial Instructions only procurement, commercial and Executives of the Trust are empowered to sign any Agreement on behalf of the Trust. We expect suppliers working with the Trust to endorse our supplier charter

On 24 February 2025, the rules that shape how public bodies buy goods and services changed. For further information on how this may impact you, please the GOV UK website.

Bribery Act 2010

A bribe is a financial or other advantage intended to induce or reward the ‘improper performance’ of a person’s official public functions or work activities.

Generally, this means offering or receiving something of value to influence a transaction that someone shouldn’t do (offences include offering, promising, giving, requesting, accepting, or agreeing to accept).

Section 7 of the Bribery Act 2010 includes a ‘corporate’ offence, which means that commercial organisations may be held legally liable if they fail to take steps to prevent bribery by those who are associated with it. There is a defence for organisations if they can prove that they had in place adequate procedures designed to prevent bribery from occurring on its behalf. This law is applicable to NHS bodies, meaning that the Trust must put measures in place to prevent bribery from happening.