You are in control of your diet.
Choose it with care and moderation.
Remember enough is as good as a feast.
Too much is worse than nothing at all.
Top tips
- Plan your meals in advance
- Steer clear of ready meals by cooking food from scratch
- Foods high in sugar and fat should be eaten in moderation
- Check food labels to monitor your daily calorie, salt and sugar intake
- Regulate your portion sizes - man of us eat more than we need at each meal
- Eat three good meals per day, trying not to snack in between
For more about healthy eating please see the NHS website: The eatwell plate.
Healthy weight calculator
Please see the NHS BMI (body mass indicator) Healthy Weight Calculator.
Healthy eating and arthritis
This booklet is a comprehensive guide to foods and supplements linked to helping improve the effects of arthritis: Health eating and arthritis booklet.