All our staff are happy to take your questions or point you in the best direction of who you can speak to, however, if you’d like to have a more in-depth conversation, you can speak to a sexual health adviser. 

Sexual health advisers are there for you when you: 

  • have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) 
  • are concerned about your sexual health 
  • are undergoing tests or treatment 
  • want to discuss issues of sexuality and sexual identity 
  • have questions about safer sex, contraception, pregnancy, STIs and HIV
  • need support after assault or violence. 

To speak to a sexual health adviser, please call the clinic. 

Considering abortion

If you have a pregnancy that is not wanted, or you feel unable to continue with please visit the following organisations where they can provide guidance and support to suit your needs. 

Please note we are not able to provide abortion care at our clinics. 

Learning disabilities

The following websites have information on sex, relationships, infections and contraception in easy read formats. 

LGBTQ+ community

At our clinics we treat everyone regardless of sexual or gender identities. Depending on your sexuality we may offer you additional care to help protect your sexual health and wellbeing.  

Outreach nurses 

Our outreach nurses offer young and vulnerable people free, and confidential advice and support on sex and relationships. 

They are based in a several locations, including Swindon Health Centre, Great Western Hospital, and local colleges, schools, youth centres, and GP surgeries. 

They can help with: 

  • screening and advice on sexually transmitted infections 
  • advice on contraception 
  • prescribing and administering contraception, including emergency hormonal contraception 
  • pregnancy testing and advice. 

Sexual assault  

If you have been assaulted, please do not be afraid to get help.  

In the first instance, we recommend contacting a sexual assault referral centre such as The Swindon and Wiltshire Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC).

If you would prefer to talk to a member of our team, we will always be happy to support you.  

We can help you with testing, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing, PEP, Hepatitis B vaccinations and emotional support and guidance. Please note that our clinics are unable to perform forensic examinations -  this would be via a SARC.  

Help after rape and sexual assault - NHS (